Friday, July 14, 2006

My Beloved Angels

I truly believe dogs are angels sent from Heaven to teach us acceptance, unconditional love, to teach us how to live in the moment and how to enjoy life for life's sake. What would my life be like without my two angels? I can count on them to always make me smile. No matter how low I am feeling they lift my spirit just with a wag of their tails, a lap from their velvety tongues, and that look of total adoration in their eyes. I am their world, their God. It feels good to be needed, to be wanted so much, and especially to be accepted exactly as I am. With them I am who I am, there is no need for niceties, no pretences, just total freedom to be me and to be loved for just being me. They are such wonderful beings who live totally in the moment all of their lives. Unlike children, they do not grow up to eventually be contaminated by societal and cultural beliefs. They stay the same forever, always joyful just to be in our presence, and I in turn am humbled to be in theirs.

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