Monday, July 31, 2006

I Hate Good Byes.....

......but at the same time I love them. Because a good bye means you had the joy of sharing time with the one you love. Today I dropped my son off at the airport. He was here for a short visit, very short. It seems like a dream that he was actually here, that I got to talk with him, share laughs with him. I am so grateful..........not only because I got to see him, but because he loves me. Because he forgives me. I am crying as I write this. God, how I wish I could turn back time. I would give anything in the world to be able to do that, to do it all over again.......but only if I were then who I am now.

But that's the darn thing about this thing called life. We can't go back. We can only go forward. We only have today and today I choose not to beat myself up for what I can not change, for being who I was when I had no sense of who I was. So yes, today I said good bye, but how can I be sad when this weekend I was blessed with so much--my Mijo was here! And that makes today a very special day.


JP (mom) said...

Oh, dear Chulita, if only we knew then what we know now ... but as you intimated, that is not the case. So love the younger versions of yourself, knowing that they were an earlier evolution of the lovely woman you are today.

I'm so happy that you had such a lovely time with your son.

Love - JanePoe

chulita4 said...

jane poe: Thank you for your words of support--they mean a lot to me.

tatsiet: Muchas gracias, amiga. And thanks for the hug today.