Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My Promise to Me

Well, I just got back from my belly dance class--and it was great!! I was going to say that I finally took a step toward reclaiming my body, but I just realized something--I have never really owned my body. Or rather I have never felt integrated with my body. Up tuntil the last few years of my life it has always been something to hide. Something totally apart from me. Even as a little girl I was so self-conscious of my body, always comparing it to other girls, and always finding it lacking. A wise woman I know wrote a few weeks ago that we should love the skin we're in because it's the only one we have. And she is right. I have been blessed with this body that has served me so well until now, and I hope it continues to serve me well until the end. But it can only do that if I take care of it. Belly dance for me is one way to do that. I just love the movements. I am totally mesmorized when I see belly dancers perform, but I have never allowed myself to stick with it long enough so that I too can move my body so fluidly and gracefully. I realize tonight that it's been mostly due to the erroneous feelings I have had about my body. This time I have made a promise to myself--I will continue until I can be good enough to perform someday. That will be the ultimate tribute I can pay to this wonderful, faithful body that my Spirit chose to help it continue in it's evolution and journey toward Wholeness.


JP (mom) said...

You go, girl! Dance like there's no tomorrow. And yes, embrace the skin you're in. Enjoy, sweet Chulita. Warmly, JanePoe

chulita4 said...

Yes, I will dance, dance, dance!